Soil & Water

Professional Liability

Soil Science is the study of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. The field is closely related to the agricultural industry and involves the management of soils to promote crop growth and protect the environment. Soil Science also includes many other aspects of soil uses, such as for all types of construction projects and waste disposal. Soil scientists are regularly consulted on a wide array of environmental issues, particularly related to the relationship of soil and water.
Soil Scientists work in fields such as the conservation of wetlands, non point source pollution, and erosion control; or in the private sector they may work in bio-remediation, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring and sample analysis, land use, and waste management.

Consultants that specialize in the following areas are:

•The protection of water resources (drinking water catchments areas, official regulations, delineation of aquifer protection area boundaries).

•Environmental problems linked to pollution.

•Assessment of risks related to the leaching of pollutants into soil and groundwater, and studies on the impact or threat to the underground environment.

•Diagnoses of soil pollution and environmental audits, in the context of the sale or purchase of industrial sites or compliance with new ICPE regulations.

•Recommendations for the treatment of polluted sites and soils, with a view to their rehabilitation or upgrading.

•Assessment of residual risks after treatment.

Consultant who offers a full range of environmental and hydro-geological expertise and consulting, including polluted site assessment, control and survey during site remediation, polluted site fate and transport modeling, risk assessment studies, aquifer characterization and water quality control.

•Carrying out environmental impact studies or studies for simplified or detailed assessments of risk in accordance with current or future national methodologies.

•Defining the characteristics of an aquifer and its potential productivity with a view to a study or to exploitation for the purposes of supplying water (drinking water or water for industrial purposes, irrigation, etc.)

•Optimizing systems for treating contaminated soils and water tables.

•Assessing residual risks after the treatment of soils or water tables.

•Appraising hydro-geological and environmental studies concerning.

•Diagnoses of the pollution of soils and water tables.

•Feasibility studies and soil mappings.

•Alternative sewage disposal systems studies/consultations (elevated sand mounds, spray irrigation, aquaerobics, etc.).

•Existing well and sewage disposal systems evaluations for real estate transfers.
•Sediment and erosion control assessments.

•Consultation regarding temporary sewage disposal options (pump and haul permits, etc.).

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Lomax Solutions, LLC.
P.O. Box 307 Blue River, Oregon 97413
Phone: 714-955-1560
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